I bought 32 pieces of clothing and 1 new diego clothes hamper for less than $70.00. This is Nolan's winter wardrobe. Plus he needs this to see Poppy and Grandma in Rhode Island in a couple weeks. (It was down in the 30's there the other night) I bought hardly used corduroys, jeans, khaki's, sweaters, long sleeved shirts, overalls, and fall jackets for him. A few pieces are for Braydon too. I would have spent easily $500 had I bought this new. There are no rips or stains. This makes me VERY HAPPY! I also sold some of the boys older toys and outfits they had outgrown. I made over $17.00 to the good. I will definitely be doing this again.
Yay! I knew you'd like it. It makes you feel a little better about giving up the old stuff when you bring home the new, doesn't it? :-) I haven't ever seen anyone crying in the check pickup line!
Thats awesome. It sounds like it was worth the crowd
Wow, "you made out like a bandit"
What a wonderful savings and all those new clothes, practically $2.10 a piece.
Definitely the boys will be needing warmer clothes. We are so excited about all of you coming in 16 days.
We have not seen Braydon since his birth, and Nolan was 2 years and 8 months. That time has seemed like an eternity, but thanks to your blogging we feel we have been along for the events at times.
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