Happy Birthday little pumpkin! I love your big smiles you pass around. I love the way you wrap your arms around my legs and squeeze as hard as you can. I love the way you giggle so hard, you actually snort. I love those blue eyes of yours...they truly are the window to your soul. I love the little man you are becoming with such good manners. I love how you are a bit bashful and blush pink. I love how you get so excited over the little things...like seeing a cow or playing with a deflated balloon.

You have changed a lot in the past two years, but you always had a smile on your face. Sometimes you smiled with your cute little mouth and sometimes with your beautiful eyes.

Your brother loves you too! He really never showed that jealous streak everyone warned us about. We told him that soon you would be old enough to play with him.

Daddy & Mommy & Nolan
Awwww. He really is precious, and so happy! It was so funny to see him running around with the light saber and then hiding his little face while people sang to him.
You are a wonderful mother to Braydon and Nolan. Your words show so much love, understanding, caring and committment you have for them. Your "I loves" are priceless.
We certainly wished we could have been a part of Braydon's 2 year old celebration this year, however
circumstances prevented us from making that 19 hour trip from RI to SC. We thank you so much for sending us all those great memories of his party that we can look at and somehow feel we were a part of the day from a distance.
He's so cute! He looks like he's having a ball! I wish I was a kid again! No cares, just fun!
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