My youngest had a fun party with close friends and family. Oh...and his little girlfriend Suzi was there too! Her parents are Jenny and Jordan. He loves The Backyardigans! (They don't get on Mommy's nerves either). We grilled hotdogs and hamburgers and had fruit and chips. For dessert...we had cake and icecream of course!
Here are a few pictures from that fun-filled day!
Love your slide presentation, the confetti certainly adds to the festivities of the Birthday Party.
Great memories were made by everyone having a terrific time.
Thanks for sharing the happiness.
God willing, maybe we will make Braydon's 3rd Birthday.
What a wonderful celebration! Looks like everyone had a great time. The slide show is precious - I'm impressed! Did Jenny tell you that at the last Presbyterian Women's Coordinating Team meeting all the ladies who work with the boys in the nursery and 3x6s paid your boys the nicest compliments? They said things like sweet, well-mannered, kind...and they're such handsome boys.
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